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10 Marketing Strategies to grow your business 2021

  • By Naren Kumar Co-founder of Techno, serial entrepreneur, and investor with a decade of experience in B2B Sales and Marketing.
  • Updated: May 28, 2024
  • Reading Time: 8 minutes

The ambitious dream of taking your product or service to the potential user is no easy feat to achieve for any business. As consumers’ purchase behavior is evolving drastically, it’s not business as usual when attracting or engaging users.

Businesses have to be active both offline and online to remain competitive. There is no compromise on that.

You may have a disruptive business idea or even have a best product than the existing one in the market, but you will barely stay afloat in the long run without the right marketing strategy.

With the speed at which industries move today and the sprout of new business ideas from next-gen entrepreneurs, businesses need to plan every step on their way to achieving desired growth.

Now that people have access to so many choices and information available online at the comfort of their home. Businesses need to reach them wherever they are to gain their visibility on the product or service you want to deliver.

There are no hard & fast rules to do that.

Importance of Identifying Right Marketing Strategy

With ever-evolving consumer behavior, entrepreneurs have to be innovative and develop well-defined marketing strategies backed by research to fuel their business growth.

However, entrepreneurs struggle to identify the right marketing strategy or sometimes lack clarity in their implementation process, which results in a lukewarm response.

Do you know why? Let’s step back for a moment and understand the reason behind it.

After the initial stage, Startups and SMEs get busy dealing with day-to-day business operations and neglect to reach out to the right audiences effectively.

By saying that, we’re not turning away from the fact that startups lack funds, unlike big enterprises, but that’s where an entrepreneur has to get innovative.

We are trying to say that it is possible to gain visibility and churn profits even at a shoe-string budget.

You need to be prepared for what it takes to do that; if not, you would see declined visibility, reduced sales, and even remaining profitable is difficult.

You may end-up feeling stuck with no further progress. It is the case with many businesses around us.

If you are feeling stuck right now but ready to work consistently to reach out to the audience, then this blog is for you.

We will guide you to recalibrate your business & sales funnel with the ten proven marketing strategies to fast forward your business growth.

1. Social Media Marketing

Social media is the place where the magic happens.

It’s undeniably a huge marketing platform right now. Whether we like it or not at the personal level, businesses require platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., to substantially maximize their reach and boost visibility.

Marketing Strategies Social Media MarketingIt’s not just one of the powerful marketing mediums. Some businesses solely run on social media platforms.

To remain successful in social media, posting business content regularly won’t help you or your business.

Things you need to consider to be successful in social media marketing:

  • You need to understand your target audience and what they are talking about.
  • Learn what they need to make them engage with the content you post. (Staying Relevant)
  • The content you create should add value and spark conversation rather than just promoting your business ideas and clutter them. If not, your post will lose its weight and end up being one among the others.
  • Quality trumps quantity to establish one’s business as a strong brand. You need people who read, write, talk and share about your brand frequently, instead of just engaging only once and disappearing once and for all. To get such reception from the audience, your quality of content should be top of the game.
  • Achieving success is a long haul; it doesn’t happen overnight. So be prepared to work consistently to achieve the results.
  • Connect with people of similar interest and project yourself as an authoritative source of information that they would like to engage with you on those topics.
  • Make your content sound less of business propaganda and focus more on creating shareable content and developing more engagement.
  • If someone shows interest in interacting with you online, acknowledge that. It will go a long way in building your brand image.
  • Be consistent in social media and engage regularly. Don’t play hide and seek with them. The online audience will easily throw you out of consideration if you are not interacting regularly. (DON’T GHOST THEM)
  • Social media promotion is not a one-way thing, be open to share and engage with content published by others.

2.Create Video Tutorials

Effective visual communication can go leaps and bounds in the world of marketing. Video marketing is one of the most engaging mediums which a business should use consistently.

With the reducing attention span of digital audiences and so much different content vying for users’ attention in social media platforms, youtube, and other emerging platforms, businesses must keep their content visually appealing.

As we all know, Youtube is the popular search engine next to Google. If a user needs the know-how of something or wants clarity on an issue on the go, video tutorials are highly preferred.

Exploiting that segment will connect more to the audience. Teach something useful, hold their hands in every step of their way while using your product or service through your video (Step-by-step tutorials).

The more you do, the more visibility for your brand, ultimately, more sales.

NOTE: This should be an essential part of your marketing strategy.

3. Publish Informative Blog Posts

I know what you’re thinking right now; everyone says to start blogging, nothing new.


You may have tried for quite some time and not yielded anything substantial.

If you find blogging is mundane, then you reconsider it. It’s going to take a lot of your time and test your patients.

Without a proper marketing strategy and clarity in your approach, it will be like roaming in a barren land.

As a business, you shouldn’t just post blogs on your platform.

  • You should also start blogging on authoritative blogging sites like medium, hacker noon, Yourstory, etc.

Authority sites differ based on your niche.

  • You should also concentrate on answering existing questions on platforms like Quora, Reddit, Linkedin publishing platform, etc. It will create 10x visibility if you do it consistently.

The platforms like Linkedin will also help build strong connections among others.

  • Explore different types of blogging techniques:
  1. Listicles
  2. How-to Guides
  3. News analysis
  4. Interviews
  5. Reviews
  6. Checklists
  7. Cheat-sheets
  8. Personal Experience
  9. Guest blogging

Each technique mentioned above has its benefits and caters to the different needs of the readers.

  • Last but not least, blogging is all about adding value to the readers. Never try to hold information by yourself as secrets. The more you express, you will become an authorized person in your niche in their eyes.

Don’t you want to be the one?

Once you start blogging, make sure that you hold steadfast and stay true to the initial idea behind blogging.

Just by doing all the things mentioned above, you are more likely to succeed. If not, you will fall flat in no time.

4.Understand and Implement Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization is one of the critical areas of digital marketing either you or your team should be well-aware of it. Most people tend to be frightened to explore by themselves.

SEO is a powerful mechanism or practice to rank your pages and website on the top of Google’s SERP or any other search engine. It can be pretty intimidating, but you can learn and leverage it to the maximum.

Though, it takes time and effort to yield better results. Once you start to learn and see the results, you will surely get hooked on it.

Though there are numerous shady shortcuts to rank quickly in the short-term, those techniques will severely degrade your site reputation in the long-run.

As we discuss SEO, it’s worth noting Keywords and their usage—one of the primary components to get your page listed under relevant search results.

It is necessary to classify primary and secondary keywords as per the search pages’ objective, but just stuffing too many keywords will not help you rank.

Too many keywords stuffing without relevant information make you look desperate and make the reader get away from your site once and for all.

Once you lose user’s trust in the digital landscape, it’s tough to regain it.

To stay on the top of search ranking, here are the key things you need to focus on:

  1. Website Speed
  2. User Experience Design
  3. Domain Authority of Your Site
  4. Content Quality
  5. Keywords (primary & secondary keywords)
  6. Using Multimedia (Images, Infographics, and videos)
  7. Mobile Responsiveness of The Site
  8. Readability
  9. Unique Insights

5. Influencer Marketing

Establishing an active connection with your customers is the crucial component of marketing. To gain visibility, you need to reach out to your customers or connect with social media influencers who have already established connections with your potential customers.

But, the key to successful execution boils down to finding the right influencer who can connect and resonate with your brand. Influencer marketing is not just about spreading your message; it’s all about spreading your message to the suitable consumer base who can make the purchase decisions.

It doesn’t mean that you need to look out for people with millions of followers or subscribers. You can connect with multiple micro-influencers with hundreds of followers and get it done. It’s likely to help you reach a sizeable audience with limited investment in this kind of promotion.

The most important thing is coming up with a clear and concise marketing copy that’s easy to understand and act upon.

6. Lead Generation Magnets

For an explosive result with your marketing strategy, you need the proper lead generation magnets where you convert an audience into a potential customer.

To get to that point, you must understand your audience’s actual pain points and present a solution to them through the lead magnets.

Leads MagnetYour lead magnets can be:

  1. Case studies
  2. Cheatsheets
  3. Checklists
  4. Video Tutorials

These magnets can be a sales copy of your product or service. The more you look deep into your business from the user perspective, the more opportunity you will find for better business conversion.

7. LinkedIn Marketing:

LinkedIn is not just a professional networking site anymore. It has evolved into a robust marketing platform for businesses of all sizes. Ever since its origin, B2B marketers were trying to decode the successful approach in the platform.

Linkedin Sales NavigatorNow that LinkedIn has renewed its features and coming up with new updates, more and more students, employees and employers are thronging for better connections and engagement.

As the platform proved to be the best B2B marketing tool, one should never miss focusing on it.

8. Facebook Ads

Social media is the platform that symbolizes the strength of internet connectivity and accessibility to information across the globe. In that, Facebook is one of the most prominent spaces of interaction.

Facebook holds so many social applications like Instagram and WhatsApp, which are used by billions across the globe.

So, what’s your take?

Will you consider Facebook ads as one of the marketing platforms or provide special attention to it?

If you ask me, I will give special attention to it. Why?

Facebook ads are not about gaining visibility. It assists in target ads specific to age, interest group, gender, geo-location, relationship status, and much more.

This feature helps to retarget users in a much specific way and also helps to position our website as an authority domain to their needs related to our niche.

Tracking user behavior, managing and measuring its performance can be done using Facebook Pixel.

It’s a tiny bit size code for your site to measure, optimize and drive users for your online advertising campaigns. For more details on it, visit Facebook Ad Manager.

9. Affiliate Program

For most businesses, affiliate marketing is the least bothered part of their marketing strategy. It is not because it doesn’t drive results; most people don’t understand the massive influence when used seriously.

Affiliate marketing is a tricky minefield. Most often, marketers tend to leave it halfway after a few setbacks. Just like blogging, it takes time to build and requires your persistent effort to taste the success.

10. Email Marketing

Certain things never go out of fashion; email marketing is one thing for a business. Still, today for many companies, email marketing is an essential part of their lead generation sales funnel.

Email-MarketingSequential email marketing is always going to be a part of a good sales funnel.

It helps to build subscribers with regular newsletters. It also helps in segmenting users based on their interests. It enables you to become a better communicator to your users and sell your product or service.

Want a loyal customer base? Email marketing is one that you need to concentrate on.

Now that you have reached here, we hope you obtained a lot of clarity and understand the best marketing models you need to execute.

Why wait?

Go and try out things and tell us which you would like to implement first.

Naren Kumar

Co-founder of Techno, serial entrepreneur, and investor with a decade of experience in B2B Sales and Marketing.

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